Rose Quartz Komboloi AC0159

Rose quartz komboloi made of 33 round-shaped beads each 10 mm in diameter, threaded on a highly durable paracord.

It is 28 cm long and weighs 55 gr.

It comes with a certificate of authenticity.

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SKU: AC0159 Categories: ,

Quartz is one of the most common minerals, making up almost 12% of the Earth’s crust It is also known as silicon dioxide and is encountered in sedimentary and volcanic rocks. When found at high temperature during the last phase of its precipitation, quartz crystallizes within only a few months. It is mined in Brazil, Japan, America and Switzerland.

All minerals used for the creation of our kombolois are mostly gemstones used to craft jewelry. Handle this komboloi with care. Inclusions, cracks and breakage surfaces are a natural phenomenon and should never be associated with wear and tear.

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