Astrophillite Pendant BE0360

Astrophillite pendant size 10 mm in diameter, threaded on a resizable cord.

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SKU: BE0360 Category:

Astrophyllite is a rare and impressive mineral, known for its metallic luster and characteristic radial crystal structures.

Description and Features

Chemical type: (K,Na)₃(Fe,Mn)₇Ti₂Si₈O₂₄(O,OH)₇

Color: Golden, bronze, golden brown, golden yellow

Hardness (Mohs scale): 3 – 3.5 (it is a relatively soft mineral)

Transparency: opaque , translucent

Slit: Perfect

Shine: metallic, iridescent

Crystallization system:Triclinic

Incidence: rare

Properties and Uses

Collectible Mineral: Because of its rarity and special appearance, it is sought after by collectors.

Metaphysical Properties: In esotericism it is thought to aid in consciousness, self-awareness and spiritual evolution. It is believed to enhance inner strength and positive energy.

Decoration and Jewellery: Although it is soft for everyday use, it is sometimes used in jewelry or decorative objects.

Origin and Areas of Finding

Astrophyllite is found mainly in pegmatites and titanium-rich environments. Significant deposits are found in Norway, Russia, Canada and the United States.