Amazonite Komboloi AC0111

Handmade komboloi made of 33 Russian amazonite beads, each 12 mm in diameter, threaded on a highly durable paracord.

It is 29 cm long and weighs 48 gr.

As the product is 100% it may vary in color, size or weight from the photo.

It comes with a certificate of authenticity.


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SKU: AC0111 Category:

Amazonite is a usually opaque, greenish-blue mineral. It took its name from the Amazon River where it was first found in 1850. It has a hardness of 6 and a specific gravity of 2.57. It is usually cut in cabochons, while faceting is avoided because it can cause the gemstone to break. Today Amazonite is located in the Urals in Russia, Colorado and Virginia in the USA, as well as Australia and South Africa.

All minerals used for the creation of our kombolois are mostly gemstones used to craft jewelry. Please treat your komboloi with care. Inclusions, cracks and breakage surfaces are a natural phenomenon and should never be associated with wear and tear.

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